Friday, March 17, 2006

Let the sleeping dog lie...

May I introduce you all to another of my fine friends here in Stockholm, Sigge.

Sigge (Siggismund) leads a very exciting life napping in the mens' changing room at Vasa Museet. He is an aging old gent, always eager for a belly rub or a potty break in the 17th Century garden out back and the highlight of his week seems to be when we convene in his 'pen' for our twice-weekly bastu (Swedish sauna).

I doubt anyone can look quite so thoroughly and completely bored as Sigge. Despite his almost total lack of motion, Sigge seems to be able to work up a prodigous odor. Some blame it on his dog food (and sneak him carrots to mitigate the smell) while other, less understanding, people assume he has that stink just becuase he is a dog.

Whatever the reason for his unique scent, he is everyone's buddy and is content to entertain anyone's need to rub his belly until Mika arrives to take him home. Then only one thing in the world matters--getting out!


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